These hour and a half long tours allow visitors to experience Ringwood Manor as the sun sets on one of the longest days of the year! Another summertime opportunity to take our popular Enchanted Evening Tours!
Guides take groups through the interior of the historic house, telling the various legends and lore about the site, followed by a lantern-lit walk to the cemetery on the property. The sun will just be setting as the 7:00 pm tour heads to the cemetery at dusk, while the 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, & 10:00pm tours will have a spookier walk as darkness descends.
For 2024, all Summer Solstice Enchanted Evening tickets will be sold through Eventbrite.
Please read all our policies and FAQs below before purchasing tickets- There are important changes you need to know!
Link to Evenbrite sales platform follows the information below!
Summer Solstice Enchanted Evening Tours are sponsored by the Ringwood Manor Association of the Arts. Ticket sales directly benefit the preservation of Ringwood Manor's historic carriage barn. Thank you for your support!
How many tickets are sold per tour? Each tour time is strictly limited to 20 people per tour.
How many tickets per person can be bought through Eventbrite? Each purchaser is limited to purchasing 6 tickets at a time through Eventbrite. If you have more people in your group who would like to attend, others will need to purchase the additional tickets.
How much do tickets cost? Tickets are $30 each. Please note Eventbrite does add an additional processing fee to each purchase.
Can I buy them in person or at the door? No. Tickets must be purchased in advance through the Eventbrite platform.
Will tickets be mailed to me? For 2023, all tickets will be electronic tickets that are emailed to purchasers through Eventbrite. Physical tickets will no longer be mailed.
Can children attend the Enchanted Evening tour? No, children are not permitted on the tour. Only individuals 13 and older may attend.
Is the tour ADA accessible? No. The tour is not suitable for those who cannot stand or walk for long periods of time, ascend and descend stairs, or walk over uneven ground.
How long is the tour? Is it inside or outside? The tour is approximately an hour and a half long. Tours begin outside (10 minutes), proceed inside the Manor (45 minutes), and then go outside to the historic cemetery and back (35 minutes). Please dress appropriately for weather conditions the night of your tour and wear sturdy or comfortable shoes.
It looks like there is rain in the forecast, will the tour still take place? Yes. Tours will take place during simple rain events. Please dress appropriately for weather conditions the night of your tour. It is recommended attendees wear sturdy or comfortable shoes.
The weather looks severe- will the tour still take place? In instances of high winds, thunder or lightning, or weather-related state of emergencies, the venue will cancel the tours in advance and ticket holders will be notified via email and refunded in full. Cancellation notices will also be posted on our website. Sorry, we cannot reschedule cancelled tours.
Can I use camera/smart phone/recording devices/electronic equipment on the tour? Attendees may use electronic equipment outside of Ringwood Manor only. All electronic equipment must be turned off when inside of Ringwood Manor. This includes devices such as smart/cell phones and EMF recorders.
Is this a "haunted house" tour? This is not a Halloween-style "haunted house" event- people are not dressed in costume waiting to scare visitors. This is a tour that discusses the legends surrounding the historic site and its former inhabitants.
Please note: Staff reserve the right to remove individuals from the tour who do not meet the above requirements, or who are disruptive to the tour.
Cancellation & Refund Policy We do not provided refunds for cancellations or incorrect ticket purchases, or to individuals who are disruptive to tours and are asked to leave. Tickets will ONLY be refunded if the tour is cancelled by our venue. In the instance where tour(s) are cancelled by the venue, ticket purchases will be refunded in full.
By clicking the link, you are acknowledging you have read and understand the information listed above.
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Click link below to purchase yours