Ringwood Manor has a diverse array of collections. The Hewitt family collected items their entire lives--things they found to be historic, interesting, artistic, or just generally appealing to them. When they donated Ringwood Manor and all its grounds, the eclectic collections found placed around the gardens and landscapes were included. The objects and outbuildings on the grounds are considered part of the museum collection at Ringwood. The exterior objects include items from the Hewitts' travels abroad, architectural salvage pieces, examples of iron objects, and even Native American artifacts.
The outbuildings surrounding the Manor are examples of the various structures that helped to run the estate, including the blacksmith shop, carriage and dairy barns, and former employee housing.
To learn more about the exterior grounds collections, outbuildings, and their history, please visit Ringwood Manor for a tour of the grounds and gardens. See the Tourspage for more information.
To find out more information on an object or a specific type of collection you are researching, please contact Sue at [email protected] or 973-962-2240.